Blizzcon diablo immortal interviews
Blizzcon diablo immortal interviews

“We appreciate your patience as our teams work tirelessly to create nightmarish experiences worthy of the Lord of Terror. “We know what many of you are hoping for and we can only say that 'good things come to those who wait', but evil things often take longer,” read a statement. While a blog post didn’t quite say Diablo IV, the next main entry in the franchise, would definitely not be announced, Blizzard did allude to that fact. Prior to its announcement during BlizzCon 2018, the company had attempted to quell expectations before the reveal. The title is developed in partnership with Chinese publisher NetEase - which as well as its own original titles does have a reputation for copycat games such as (the highly successful) Knives Out.ĭiablo Immortal will be an MMOARPG exclusively for mobile platforms and appears to offer similar gameplay to other entries in the dungeon crawling franchise. Here’s hoping something else besides this game is in the works for this series as besides this reveal, the whole Blizzcon schedule was absent of anything else Diablo related.Blizzard, one of the world’s most famous developers, has just announced it’s bringing the Diablo IP to mobile with Diablo Immortal. What is most confusing though is when presenting the new title, the Diablo dev team said it as a full entry to the series, falling between the second and third games, rife with lore and new lands but it is what it is: a flashy and high budget yet casual, mobile game. Skills are simplified, graphics are bright and flashy but low res. Overall, the game controls fine and graphics look great for a mobile game but make no doubt, this is a watered down, mobile phone version of Diablo 3 through and through complete with the exact same classes. The skills were simplified to a few icons. The game demo was limited to four local players in a confined area with just three classes.

blizzcon diablo immortal interviews

As a fan for over 20 years, despite being crushed and confused by this announcement, I ran over to the demo stations and sure enough, the demos were being presented on large screen android phones.

Blizzcon diablo immortal interviews